
Download and install Prusa Slicer (free) and select either MSLA printer from the list.

Load your STL and perform the slice. It may be necessary to scale the STL to fit the small bed of the Prusa device. I was able to change the configuration to convince the slicer that it is larger than it is. My test was 500 mm cube. The test image above was on the stock SL1 printer.

Save the sliced file and rename it to .ZIP and extract the files within. You'll get a ton of .PNG images similar to the one above (which is the support structure). If you require specifically the .BMP format, there are many ways to convert, some of which are batch and CLI. That portion is left as an exercise to the reader.

The test I just performed on the larger bed size failed and I'm not sure why. It might be easier to use the standard bed size, scale the model and re-size the PNG/BMP files after the slicing and exporting.