But remember this is still stage one. And the first company and machine to try this.
Once the big lads enter the scene: hp, epson, brother, canon etc
They'll have their own filament - just as they have their own ink. Yes you will probably always be able to get round that - but most people don't bother.
And 'most people' is the target demographic.

I'm not sure I've upset the apple crowd round here yet - but essentially the target demographic are iphone and ipad users. People who buy things because they are white and trendy - and rarely consider cost or functionality.
Ipads still don't have sd-card slot, usb ports or hdmi built in. They don't have os deep back and menu buttons for every app. And for the same spec they cost more than twice what a similiar android tablet costs. And a lot of paid for apps on the apple store are free on the google store.
These are people who buy based on fashion and advertising and most of them probably use branded inks.

And there are a helluva lot of them.
The model-t is a good looking machine - I'm pretty sure it's aimed at the ipad crowd. It is white and very 'appley' styled (that's probably a word) .
And it works the way they expect things to work. IE: you buy files for it.

If New Matter get their marketing right, I can see files appearing on the apple store in the near future.
To really make money any 3d company needs to tie themselves into one of the big players in the online store market: amazon, google or apple.
Amazon will proabably bring out their own machine in the not to distant future so it's basically down to google and apple.
The first 3d player who gets that contract is set for life.