Quote Originally Posted by crowbar View Post
Probably not. Its not too late to do a credit card chargeback.
I say it's just fine if they aren't looking to keep changing the hardware significantly before release. Get it in beta, set it working reliably, and get it shipped out. That's all I want from the hardware.

What I pledged for was a basic, simple, PLA printer that's easy to maintain and doesn't need much calibration, they already have that without needing to advance further to "keep up" with anyone else. The fact that didn't promise the moon (or three month delivery) is exactly why I pledged and the last thing I want to see here is feature creep.

And as the rep said, there will be lots of advances in technology in the next nine months, but all of them will be advances that themselves will have to go through the 8-to-10-month process of development for manufacture (neither working harder or wishful thinking can change that). I'll go for a moderately innovative printer in 8-ish months rather than holding out for something in the nebulous and as yet unplanned future.