what bed covering do you have ?

And yes different colours of pla can behave quaite differently.

What print speeds are you using ?
first layer adhesion depends on a number of things.

1) the gap between the nozzle and the printbed
2) the speed of the first layer
3) the print surface itself.
4) printing temp.

For me 60c is not enough for pla - these days I always use 65c.
60 is too cool, 70 is too hot - 65 is just right.

What brand of pla are you using ? that also makes as much difference as the colour.

If manufascturers were forced to release the actual ingredients of their filaments - we could turn this into a science.
As they currently don;t have to tell you diddly squat, it's currently more of an art than a science.

Experience with your own machine and pla counts more than anytyhing some numpty on youtube tells you :-)