Greetings All.
First may I thank all of you for your informative and lively discussions on here, very educational.
Geoff if you are still here, thank you for some great input to help new guys, have seen your desire to go to the "dark side" but hope you resist the urge.
Now to business.. FLASH FORGE PRO....... my uneducated observations.
I followed the advice to go with glass, and dang, it worked.... HOWEVER... I felt the screws that hold the build plate were a touch proud, slide a glass plate over the Aluminum and it catches..
so I removed Build plate and counter sunk the bolt holes just a touch more. Glass is pancake flat now, not proud in the middle as many have observed, even with the steel build frame brackets under the table, some thing to consider.
even sliding a razor blade up to the bolt head will quickly tell you all is not well. if a steel rule (150mm) can stand on its edge (length) then you are good to go.

I removed left stepper extruder motor, lifted the hot end up 2 mmm, and rebolted the fan using the same bolts but with nuts on the end.
Then trimmed a 16 mm Ali tube to length (42.3) on a lathe to add as a compression strut instead of the motor, rather than print off the one on thingyverse.
This reduced weight but also removed the hassle of fixing wires back ect (full respect to those that follow it back though)I have no concern of extruder now clashing with a print with the bonus it is a simple mater to replace if going down a duel print road, which honestly, I am not ready for yet anyway.

other thing I did, which is personal was, I purchased "Simplfied3d" I can only compare the slicer that came with the bot, and Slic3r with S3d but to me it wins hands down, the finish on the prints are very different, The 45* infill outer layers really works.

Thanks for looking.... hope it helps some one else....