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  1. #1

    Long-term storage

    I just ordered a bulk amount of PLA that's going to last me a year or two, so how do you guys and gals store your filament long-term? My gut tells me that I can probably just leave the unopened spools in a closet without having to worry, but maybe I should place them in a more controlled environment to be on the safe side?

    What's your storage setup?

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I place my filament in an average storage container, with a moisture eliminator that was purchased for a local dollar store.
    My filament in some cases is up to 3.5 years old and still printing really good.

    I purchased more than needed not realizing how fast filament would actually be used, Plus got a really good lot price and clicked buy it now.
    The moisture eliminator has to be replaced ever so often check the moisture eliminator ever so often for replacement and always have extra backup.
    Dollar store moisture eliminator is much cheaper than the filament.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    yeah just leave it in the vacumn pouch until needed.
    then if you live somewhere that's regularly humid - keep it in the sealed bag that sesm to come with most filament these days with a couple silicon sachets.

    I just leave stuff lying around, sometimes for years.
    But I've never had any issues with humidity and filament absorbing moisture in my workshop.
    So it's just pretty much stacked on any surface where it won't fall off :-)

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Normally the humidity in my geographical area is not too bad, However this year has been exceptionally humid.

    My refrigerator flooded the overfill tub all over once already an would normally drain my AC unit once or twice a year, this year have already drained it 3 time and still expect to drain 2 or 3 more times.

    So am really glad the Charcoal Moisture Eliminators, 8.1 oz. Tubs are always in my filament storage bins.

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