Don't forget all brands of a material are not equal some brands are much more difficult than others - personally my main materials are ABS and nylon and some brands of each I have been able to print with no trouble at all while others seem to be unprintable either not sticking to the bed or warping badly and several brands stick to the bed but delaminate between layers due to shrinkage. The best ABS brand I have found is a low warp brand generally know as abs-x , abs-plus or abs-pro. Made in holland unfortunately it is only sold for retailers to sell as an own brand. I purchase it from 3dfilaprint as ABS-x or Ooznest as ABS pro and I have seen it on Amazon but I cat remember where!!

The printing parameters I use are:-
Head Temp 255C
Bed Temp 80
Speed on a Sapphire Corexy 70mms
Speed on Ender 3 pro 45mm/s

Bed surface sanded Tufnol sheet with a coat of ABS sluury (10% abs dissolved in acetone.

Both printers in enclosures!!