Hi I have just got an i-fast. To put it into context, over the years, I have had a reprap (actually 2) one I bult myself and one bought ready built, I had a Bibo but now use this for laser only and a qidi x-plus. So I have been printing for many years. I have an issue with the i-fast that every time I print the bed is in the wrong place. I am printing a set file again and again so not downloading between prints. The X-Plus works great (same file but built for the X-fast). I have leveled the bed etc but have to watch the printing at the start and adjust the levels 'on the fly'. It is bot consistent sometimes too close to the bed and clicking and smearing the filament, sometimes too far away and not adhering at all. It s not just one adjuster it seems to be all of them. It is getting very frustrating as I am printing stuff for work and need many prints. but I cannot just set it off printing I have to wait for it to warm up and then adjust the bed.