Quote Originally Posted by bford903 View Post
So it extrudes metal clay? I'll be interested to see how much shrinkage there is during firing.

PMC (Precious Metal Clay) can shrink up to 50%.

This should be exactly that. It's just pmc. with some base metal versions thrown in as well. all of the limitations of pmc apply here, as would all of the benefits. However, by making thicker parts hollow with a support mesh, (assuming the printer can handle that) we could get more consistent shrinkage I would expect. if the cross sections consistent enough, then it would be more even then usual PMC work.

Still intriguing for the idea of jewelry use, but for those who don't already have a kiln on hand, the need for buying a kiln is a downside. (buying, then setting it up, venting it, learning how to use it to fire etc) High cost and logistics for a DIYer at home, but useful for a jeweler who is used to working with PMC. I'm personally hoping that moldlay filament works well for lost wax casting instead. (will be trying it when both my filament shows up, and my rapide lite printer shows up)