The print with raft was the first one to succeed. now I can't remove the raft from the print. I never had this problem with the voxel. The rafts may have left a raft scar but they always peeled away neatly and easily in one piece.

I suspect Monoprice did serious homework tweaking the hell out of their slicer default settings that worked so well with my Voxel, so I dug around Cura documentation and found that profiles are the way to go to import settings en masse and then dug around the tenlog website where I downloaded a cura profile that did not come with my machine but which was supposedly designed for the TL-D3 pro and added the profile to ultimaker. I was not filled with confidence by what I saw however. They set the bed temperature for PLA to 45C contrary to the wisdom I have received here and I know I had more trouble with looser adhesion when I tried a cooler bed. Hopefully that was a concession to safety on an open piece of equipment but...I may have to look elsewhere for a great "default" starting point cura profile for my TL-D3 Pro.