Quote Originally Posted by Martin_au View Post
Thanks for the photos. Very useful. I've marked up a few things to look at that may give a hint as to what's the main problems might be.
First photo of the raft - seeing lots of missing lines and gaps. This suggests that you're only just lightly sitting on the bed. Go closer (at a guess about 0.05 - 0.1mm), until that first layer is "smooshing" down onto the bed.

In the second photo of the top of the print, you can see some edge lifting at least on the white parts. This is likely what the nozzle ran into and popped the print off the bed. This is because PLA needs to be cooled rapidly when doing shallow overhangs, or it tends to pull upwards into the corners. To resolve this slow the print down, and make sure the print cooling fan is running. Give the filament a chance to cool down.

I thought about running a print tonight but I think I need to ruminate about what you said and see if offline and during downtime at work (of which there is a lot on the weekend) I can somehow put together a good profile modification or at least a list of specific modifications to the existing profile and make sure the next attempt has much better odds of success.