Man, you sure do exhibit tenacity and perseverance! OK, I will put the V1.1.4 board board back in. Neither it nor my 4.2.7 board have touch screen, BL, filament or transfer capability built in. It seems that the V1.1.4 doesn't have a bootloader installed so firmware flashing must be done with Marlin, Octopi and a Raspberry Pi--right? I actually do have a Raspberry which was used when I had a computer tech come out back when to flash the V1.1.4--all that is beyond me!! (That was an interesting session because he knows NOTHING about 3D printing and I had to preassemble all the download sites, YouTube how-to vids and programs like Pronterface, Visual Studio, Octopi. Can you imagine ME trying to help him through all that???? He is a dear friend who indulges me greatly! I sense we'll have to do something similar again.) But I will put it back in and use the original SD card content that came with the board if necessary. More to follow later....and another big thank you for now.