my advice is to replace glue, tape, glass ete with a sheet of printbite:

I've been using one for over a year now and have needed no glue, scrapers, tape, hairspray etc during that time.
Prints stick when the bed is hot and can be simply lifted off when the bed is cool. Or, if you're impatient like me, a sharp tap with a hammer: I tend to use the flat back of this axe:
Handle is rolled up newspaper.
My printbite thread s here:
List of my results with different materials is on page 3.

It's not quite as good as the manufacturers claim - but it's infinitely better than anything else out there at the moment.

Put it this way. The whole sticking and removing issue is not something I give a thought to anymore.
You have to experiment and tweak settings to get the best results for each material. But once you've got it dialled in you simply print and remove. With no hassle and nothing else ever needed.