In Cura if you hover over a parameter say wall count it will pop up a brief description. has a full manual on line.All nylons are not equal and the ones that easily printable are premium products for instance the one I use most is Spectrum Filaments (Poland) PA6 Low warp which costs 41.22 euros inc VAT per Kilo from the factory or £55.00 from a UK retailer. I have tried a good number of Nylon Filaments and with the exception of the US made Taulman Bridge and 230 filaments which cost much the same in UK have not had a lot of success. Having said that between them they offer the range different flexibilities we require for our needs. Spectrum PA6 Low warp prints at 250- 260C nozzle temp and 55C bed onto a dry and sanded sheet of Tufnol (garolite in US) I use a 1mm thick Tufnol sheet clamped to a glass bed because the adhesion of the nylon to the Tufnol is very strong and you need to flex the sheet to get the work released.