And depending on where you live and (probably) when they unblock the suez canal - they have country specific warehouses for less hassle delivery.

Okay what is autolevel ?
Well the one thing it DOES NOT do is to actually level your printbed.
That you will almost always have to do by hand.

All auto level does is to make a topographical map of the printbed - which for a physically flat bed is kinda pointless.

For cheap and bumpy beds it allows the prnter to constant;ly move the z-axis up and down to adjust for the cheapo bed.

It will ALWAYS be better to have an actually physically flat bed than to rely on autolevel.

A good autolevel will possibly also help to calibrate the bed (properly with the knobs) but it's a;most as pointless as filament run out :-)

They are both really cheap addons that cost companies less money than actually making quality and flat printbeds.