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  1. #1

    Calibration and Printer Help! Lots of issues, need guidance! P3Steel

    Hi everyone,

    I'm not usually one to jump on forums, this is actually the second forum I've ever used! I've been having so many issues over the years getting my P3Steel to work and I figure it's time to reach out for help.

    The issues I'm experiencing:

    - Squished prints, z axis is calibrated
    - Nozzle oozing
    - Constant leveling issues, seems to change every 5 mins
    - Getting mixing nozzle to work (Cyclops)
    - z axis drifting ( one side of x axis higher than other) randomly

    I've been struggling with it for years. Normally I'm good with troubleshooting but this has me losing my mind. Any help or guidance would be much appreciated!

    Current setup:
    - P3Steel form factor
    - Cyclops Original Hotend
    - Rambo Board
    - 24v bed and hotend
    - Currently using Marlin Firmware, Repetier Host and Slic3r
    Eventually want to change to PrusaSlic3r in future

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    my best tip for keeping levelled bed level is real simple.
    Change the original bed level knobs for printed ones that incoirporate nylock locking nuts.

    I'm coming up on 12 months without having to level the bed on my sapphire pro 2.

    not a lot on the p3 steel.
    did you make it yourself or was it a kit ?

    Is it a direct drive extruder or using a bowden tube ?

    It looks like a standard and proper prusa i3 design.
    So should be directdrive - but these days, you never know.

  3. #3
    I have nylocs on top through the bed, I could flip the bolts over and put some knobs on. The bed doesn't have a counter sink for the bolts for a hold back thought. I'll give that a try anyways!

    It's a rebuild of the Prusa I3 I believe, most info can be found at the REPRAP wiki :
    Here's the link if you want to take a look.

    I built it over a couple months using the parts list on that wiki on my own, no kit.

    Direct Drive

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