Hello. I am currently chasing the large printing capability. I am doing this with 2 printers. One is a reworked Tevo Black Widow i3 style printer with a usable build envelope of 400x250x330 and a 0.6mm nozzle. The other is a TronXY X5SA-500 pro coreXY style printer with a usable build envelope of 510x510x600mm and a 0.8mm nozzle. I am learning right now that for the really large things maybe a moving bed is a bad idea. I think if we mean to print big things we should look to corexy or delta. There is just such a big difference between loaded and unloaded with a print that uses a whole 1kg spool of filament. And we will always have to at the very least print larger things at a slower speed if the bed has to sling all this weight around. I mean just look at this 310mm tall hand I printed. It used a whole 2.2lb spool of yellow PETG filament..

It looks real good. Even with the really large 0.6mm nozzle and the 0.4mm layer height..

But once 2lbs of plastic is stuck to that build surface inertia really starts working against you and we get all these layer shifts in the finger..

I post these pictures and point this out just to illustrate that with large format printing it is a MUCH better idea to have either a stationary bed or a bed that lowers only during the print because this style printer will be largely unaffected by changing amounts of weight on the build surface. For me and my very custom printer with 6 stepper motors controlling movement there are a few paths I can take to correcting for this but by and large when you buy your i3 style printer and get some weight on that large bed and bump into this problem it will mean re inventing the wheel for your printer to get good quality out of large and heavy prints. And for anybody wondering this whole hand was printed in PETG without a layer/part cooling fan and with a genuine Bondtech BMG-M extruder mated to a Slice Engineering Mosquito Hotend with vanadium nozzle. The best does not come cheap but oh man does it lay down the plastic nice. It's just a winning combination..