Quote Originally Posted by AutoWiz View Post
Yet another way to avoid the firmware troubles is to just get a single stepper driver expansion board and wire the pins to the bank of pins right next to the Z stepper driver on your SKR board. This method splits the signal going to the driver and will now send the same identical signal to 2 stepper drivers which you can then split each to goto 2 steppers and have 4 motors driven by 2 drivers off of 1 set of pins and without any firmware changes. Here is one of my printers where I had this done for X and Y. If you look you can follow the wires from the expansion boards back to the SKR board..
I like this idea! Its much cleaner than figuring out the firmware issues and closer to what I'd like to have done originally. I can't quite see where you've attached the wires to the extra driver boards. Is there something I could research to find a documented way to do this for the SKR board or could you possibly show me some closer pictures of which pins you're getting for the extra driver boards? Would there be any downside to having 3 additional breakout boards so that there is a driver for each stepper instead of 2 drivers supporting 2 steppers each? Is there a model number for that driver breakout board?