Hi curious aardvark! Thanks so much for the helpful reply!! So maybe I'm just confused somewhere (probably lol), but I thought since this was a "UV", "photo-curing" printer, that it did what a standalone UV curing station does? If not, would you happen to know what exactly the UV is used for on this thing?

I'm like you... I lean heavily on reviews, so thank you so much for posting the one you did! Was that review posted here on this forum or something? There were a couple negative reviews on it on Amazon, and only a handful of reviews total, so I'm kinda hoping the negatives were people not doing something properly. I really enjoyed the review you posted though. The guy even admitted he's picky and he's "that" customer...... most won't admit that. Haha. Yeah I couldn't find anything either about post processing, so I guess now I get to feel less helpless lol!

Thanks again for your help........ really appreciate it!