Have you ever had a problem where you wished to print multiple items when you were not at home, but couldn't fit them all on one build platform? A company NVBots has come up with a new 3D printer called the NVPrinter that is completely automated. It allows you to set it to print mulitple items. When one item is finished, the unique system removes the print, puts it aside and then begins the next print. NVBots is targeting businesses and educational institutions with a special leasing program for their printers. These places lease the machines, and if there are every any problem they can have it serviced for free. Also if there are every any upgrades, they will always have the latest technology. NVBots is founded by an MIT grad, who is taking the entire 3D printing model and modifying it in a way that we have never seen before. Read more about NVBots and this new NVPrinter at http://3dprint.com/9430/nvbots-nvprinter-3d-printer/

What do you think? Will this business model work? Do you like the innovative technology behind this automated 3D printer?