Thank you for the great information, it is good to know where i should put my priorites, good 32 bit board but the motors can be cheaper nema even 1.8, thats great to know.
Also having a reasonable upper bound on the bid like 200 sounds very good, i do hope i win.
I have learned allot when i am planning to build my own, but i canceled my orders of the cheap drivers thankfully.
I been experimenting with my simple metal, and i can have good quality even at speeds like 120 mm/s, but it felt wrong to have so fast so i put it at 70 for now, i dont want to damage the hardware.
In order for the print to stick to bed i need first layer to be 220 celsious, 230 makes it stick so hard it takes 10 minutes to pry off, 210 makes it fail the print.