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  1. #1

    Warping on large parts, Creality Ender 3

    I'm trying to print a cover for my AC unit; I'm having to print it in 8 sections as it's too large to print in 1 piece; the problem is that it's very thin in section and I'm having problems getting all the details printed correctly and there's also a tendency for it to warp. The print does extend close to the corners of the print bed and I'm wondering if it's the temperature differential that's causing it. The print is PLA, using filament that I've successfully used on simpler models; running 45C on the bed, any lower and I lose adhesion. I've tried using support all and both raft and brim bottom layers, but with no effect on the malformed parts and warping.
    I'm using the Creality Slicer that came with the Ender 3, most settings are at default except for the bed temperature.
    What are the best things to try to prevent warping?
    I've attached my stl file for reference
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    De Panne Belgium
    Add Robbel2005 on Thingiverse
    You could increase bed temp to 60 C for pla. On what surface do you print? Try with PEI sheet, pla sticks very well to it. I prefer glass with 3Dlack, for easy removing when cooled down and nice smooth side. It could also be a problem of not 100 % leveled, or your Z offset to high.
    I would print your item standing up with a brim, like in the picture.
    Use different slicer, like Ideamaker, it's very easy to set up custum supports where you want with Ideamaker. It's also possible with cura, but it's more complicated.
    example air cond.JPG

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Monterey Bay, California
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    You also could try a different brand of PLA. Some brands warp less than others.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I have never had a PLA model Warp, my Hot-bed is between 46-60C. In fact I have not had an ABS Model Warp since building an enclosure for my 3D Printers.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 12-19-2020 at 11:13 AM.

  5. #5
    Thanks everyone; changing to the Ideamaker slicer has dramatically improved my print quality which enabled me to build the part with the long dimension in Z, something I couldn't do before because it resulted in very rough surfaces. It may be the Ender 3 profile from their library that's improved things, but I do like the support structure capability in Ideamaker.

  6. #6
    Hi, I am glad you are seeing better results. If it is glass you are printing on, one of the best tips I have come across is to clean the glass bed with washing up liquid prior to printing, and avoid at all costs touching the glass when drying it with paper towels as you will be transferring finger grease and oil back onto it. This gives me perfectly smooth bases to my models and I do not tend to have bed adhesion issues with doing this and there is no glue or painters tape to worry about. smaller models you can get away with cleaning it only every so often, but I tend to clean the bed with washing up liquid prior to any large print. I have achieved several full 30x25cm prints on a CR10 doing this, which leaves no room for a brim to assist.

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