Quote Originally Posted by thegoodguy View Post

I recently bought an Anycubic i3 Mega S.

I was having an issue with the first layer that a tip from curious aardvark on this thread I started, helped me solve: https://3dprintboard.com/showthread....d=1#post145228

Essentially, I didn't realise that the bed-level needed to be checked frequently, as the vibrations during printing throw it out of whack. curious aardvark suggested locking-nuts, so I designed and print some into which you just need to fit M3 nuts. A good reasonably firm tap with a hammer settles the nut in place. A slightly-too-small hole behind the nut to increase the friction so that vibrations don't shift it. The idea seems to work.

I have attached the STL here in case anyone finds it helpful for their printer.

Actually I gave myself too much credit there. I didn't design the piece. I amended the this helpful work: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3080831