Quote Originally Posted by AutoWiz View Post
\Because if it was that great and they were having that good of a time with it then they should be spending time making things and not posting on social media, right? Because nobody buys a 3d printer to make posts on social media, right? Everybody buys a 3d printer to make stuff out of plastic. Which is way different than posting on social media.
People do go on social media to discuss things and show off their creations and accomplishments, not just to complain as you believe. I share my knowledge and experience and have also learned a lot from Facebook groups. I also have made many friends that share the same interests as I do. It's a lot of fun. The vast majority people on those groups are not opinionated and derogatory, regardless of the brand or model of printer you use.

It is awesome that you include your children, but if you are teaching them not to discuss their passions and share their accomplishments, even on social media, and to just sit and "make things out of plastic" I truly feel sorry for them, and you. Sharing with others is one of the greatest parts of this hobby. By sitting here with a closed mind and an I know better than you attitude, it is robbing you of a part of this hobby as rewarding as when a long complex print completes perfectly. You may not be physically in your moms basement, but you are there mentally. And that is worse.

I am done with this forum. Don't bother replying, I won't see it. I want to be part of an inclusive community that truly wants to provide the best information they can to it's members. This forum is not that kind of community. And that's a shame because it could be a great place to share our passion for 3D printing.

Moderator, if you read this please delete my account for this forum.