I understand what you are saying. I didn't bother with the chart they put up on their kickstarter. They list the resolution of the DLP projector they are using. I compared that resolution with what Form1 and Form1+ list on their own website. The Titan 1 is still at least triple the resolution of the Form 1. The XY and Z are all much higher resolution. But like you said, comparing something not yet released is not totally fair. Look at the B9 Creator. It's been out about as long as Form 1. It is much better. Much higher resolution. It also uses DLP. The fact that a 3D printer like the B9 exists at all and is real, you can buy one now should give at least some validity to what Kudo 3D is claiming for their Titan 1. The B9 and Titan 1 are very close in specs. Especially with the B9 upgrading to HD DLP. Titan 1 will be just slightly better. I'm not saying Form 1 is a bad printer. Obviously it is a good product. There are many people that bought it and love it. For me, it isn't good enough. I've had prints done on Form 1 and it just isn't good enough. I am hoping Titan 1 is as good as the photos of objects they say they printed with it. It's shipping late next month so you will start to see lots of reviews and posts by users. I don't think there is a need to hate on a product that is trying to be the best. Even if they twist the truth a bit in their favor. Fact of the matter is that the Titan 1 on paper has the best sub $5k 3d printer. If they have problems people will post it all over the internet in a month or 2.