i own a cnc machine shop. specialize in working with design engineers to develop thier new products. they send thier "concept" and we refine it into a component or assembly that can be manufactured--economically as possible. The design engineers dont often know "IF" things can be machined ot cast. We help them out. Then machine the components for thier vreation so they can test it and send it to UL for approval. I also have a friend that owns a bronze foundry. I've been printing lost was type patterns for him. Refining the shape/ form in zbrush cad and maya into a form that will cast and burn out nicely. I use the stratasys for that--first print last print every print--is magnificent. perfect every time. I ordered the bibo for running or printing smaller models of these concepts -- to more accurately visualize-- on a screen in cad-- can fool you. it helps to print the components -- hold it in your hand etcetera. we both bought 1 of the bibo dual extruders- steel case- heavy--a good fit for machine shop and foundry environments. I recieved mine first. the harpoon story is above, He finally after 3 weeks of going back and forth with bibo- edits- firmware- trying to get cura to work--finally--But he finally got it printing! If you want to call it that. the prints are hodeous! when one extruder is printing the other extruder is oozing gooplets- that then get dragged into the model. .bibo says lower the temp. he tried and tried- cant stp the gooping and still keep a print going hot enough to extrude. He is sending it back to amazon also.