yeah figured it was aprogrammer thing.

So my ongoing openscad issue - how to make inported stl's actually work in a full render.

I used to load stls into tinkercad and export them back to my computer - and any stl you did that to would work 100% in openscad.
But tinkercad will no longer import stls.

And even stls rendered by openscad - when re-imported do not work.

Was just going to change the box so one half had a full cylinder and the other half was just arms, and fiddle the sizes slightly, so it doesn't require all the fine filing to get a smooth open and close.
But will it do an f6 render ? will it buggery !

no issue with f5 - but then there rarely is.

So do you know of anything I can do to get openscad to actually work with imported stls.
I've tried 'repairing' in simplify3d and exporting as both .bin and .ascii files.
But they don't even show up in openscad at all.

It's very bloody frustrating and I'm a man who doesn't get frustrated easily.