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  1. #1

    Print layers not adhering, and print is getting dragged around board

    I just got an Ender 5 Pro, and am using PLA at 235 c and the bed is at 110 c. My prints first layers are sticking to the bed, but as the height increases, the filament tends to not adhere to the lower layer, and as a result the print gets dragged around the board by the filament that is not bonded. Can anyone suggest a fix?


  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    okay well first you are using temps for abs not pla.

    pla temp settings should be 200c nozzle and 65c bed temp.

    So did you mean abs or is it just you've got the two mixed up in the settings ?

  3. #3
    Try Thomas Sanladerer's "Basics: 5 ways of getting your 3D prints to stick!" on Youtube or Maker's Muse "How to get the Perfect First Layer - 3DP101" Maker's Muse is using Simplify3D as his slicer, but the settings can be found in Cura if you hunt around a bit.

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