So I am gonna get that LGX extruder along with a mosquito magnum and 0.8mm vanadium nozzle. But also I have been thinking about this frame and while the shape of a cube is cool I just dont like the bar across the top in front. I think if this were removed then access to the print surface would become a lot easier. This idea will require some changes be made first. Currently the belts run across the front of the frame just above the bar I seek to remove. And the motors are in the back. I plan to first unbolt the top square from the cube and turn it 180 degrees and bolt it back down. This will put the steppers for X and Y up front and the belts will cross over in the rear. Here is the current configuration still very close to the factory way..

After that is done I will still need to brace the vertical beams in a manner that keeps them positively located in their correct positions. Then the cross beam can come off. And I will have to make a new tft70 mount.