So I am happy with the way this looks now. I think I will call this the WFO rework when I am done. The one problem now is what to do with that big screen. That tft70 is absolutely huge. And I want the printer to be no larger than its aluminum extrusion external dimensions. Just so it will fit through doors. And I don't want anything blocking the path I just opened up.

Also I found a path forward to try to correct the ongoing ringing problems I can't seem to rectify across so many different printers and reworks(all with Marlin). And I think I found that solution in Klipper. Or at least I want to try it anyways. With Klipper I can attach an accelerometer to the printer and correctly tune accelerations. Klipper calls this process 'input shaper' and it seems to me to be the best way forward for me to chase this problem. But also Klipper does not like the tft's and with it my printer will have no onboard UI which fits well with the look I am trying to achieve here. I have a small handful of pi's floating around from other projects and fun. I have a zero, a pi 3 model B+, and a pi4 4gb. I will try the best pi first. Gotta do some rewiring before I ever used the rig but This right here is the way to go. big and open in the front. It will be a pleasure to remove things from this build surface..