first thing you need to do for the ender 3 v2 is to add a second z-axis screw.
Either through a kit that joins the screws at the top or by adding another stepper motor.
That will not only eliminate a lot of the standard ender 3 issues, but also allow you to move the extruder to the top of the hotend, which will give you a direct drive extruder and make life better all round.
The second z-axis screw will also speed the machine up by considerable amount.

They're not awful machines - just deliberately badly designed to save a few bucks.
But the second z-axis screw fixes much of that and a direct drive extruder fixes mnost of the rest. The frame and bed you're kind of stuck with - but that's the least of the issues and the 'bed leveller' on it will help compensate for that a lot. (bed levellers do not level the bed)
They map any uneven areas - you still need to level it with the levelling nuts :-)

But there are more videos and user groups for fixing the inherent issues with the ender series than for any other model or make of machine on the planet :-)