cura has issues.
people forget that it's made ny ultimaker specifically for their own printers.
They've just shared it with the world. But it's really not very user friendly.
And the newer it is the worst it seems to get.
The last version I could actually get on with was 13.'something'.
Better layout all round.

There are a bunch of customised cura versions around as well.
prusa slicer seems to be among the best.

Also repetier with slic3r is easier to use and also has the advantage that it also has built in printer control.
Then there are all the ones that run off raspberry pi's and a bunch of other free ones as well.

I've pretty much given up trying to keep track of them.
At one point I'd try all the new ones - but none have even come close to bneing as good as simplify3d.

But many of them were definitely easier to use than cura :-)