Hello Moadella,I am sorry I do not understand your question. I am not real knowledgeable regarding these printers. I have just been working my way through the issues I faced. I have since closed the books on that printer. No longer working on it. There is some kind of serious issue with the CPU board on a lot of these ZCorp printers I have found after talking to like 5-6 owners. Zcorp seemed to have known about this before... but did nothing to correct it. My CPU board cooked itself when the $7.00 cheap POS cooling fan failed on the chip set! I bought another mother board on line and got it to boot up but now there is some kind of timing error between the CPU board I bought and the rest of the printer. That is why it some times goes through some of the pre diagnostic tests and some times does. not.Do you have your printer hooked up to a monitor and keyboard so you can see who far the boot up gets before it failed? I use to video tape it with my phone.Cismontguy