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  1. #1

    Ender 3 v2 - first prints need help

    Just got my ender 3v2, first printer, no experience-Not sure what if I built correctly and not sure everything is moving around axis like it should, might need to re-assemble- When I first built and used auto home it pressed down on glass very hard, and I moved the nozzle, dragging it on glass making it worse..., could I have damaged it? I thought I had it leveled, and first layer / bottom I thought was going ok, but the 20mm test cube printed smooshed, does this look like a build issue or leveling issue? Not sure where to start. Using the filament that came with it (have some polaroid coming today), and it seems brittle, keeps breaking off-Any suggestions on what to do would be greatly appreciated, the prints are definitely sticking, maybe too much?
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  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    The Ender3 v2 should have come flashed with your firmware.

    This would lead me to believe that the Z-Axis is not moving smoothly, this in turn would lead to missed steps on the Z-Axis.
    I would re-check your assemble of this axis - Assembly Video Here
    It look like you also may have over heated your hot-end filament as it appears in your images.

    It would help us if you would post your slicer and its slicer setting.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the feedbacka and pretty sure you are correct. I took it back apart and tried to square everything. I found the Z axis was squeeking, although running smooth. I moved the coupler up a bit off the motor, and that resolved the squeak. I lowered the limit switch and adjusted the bed, also heated and changed the nozze (I think there was something wrong with the filament, it made a mess in the housing). I also found an extruder issue, it wasn't feeding smootlhy....had to adjustd one of the gear things and slide it up, re-tighten-

    Have had a few succesful prints finally! I hope I haven't damaged the bed, it has scratches on it, but things stick....for not knowing anything about printers had a crash course this weekend-

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Three years ago I purchased my first 3D Printer, it was a used system that the original owner could not get to work.

    When I received the 3D Printer it did not come with the Assembly instructions CD/DVD Disk.
    I did check out the system assembly before purchasing on several you-tube videos from HackaweekTV.
    So with You-tube HackaweekTV I assembled the 3D Printer in a single weekend and 3D Printed my first model.

    It was quite the learning process.

    Several week later I re-programmed the original firmware installing Marlin REV: 06.13.16, HICi3-1.1.0-RC6-Bugfix.

    And have changed the firmware versions many time now pausing at Marlin 2.0.3

  5. #5
    Brittle filament is no good. It probably is old.

  6. #6

    ender 3 v2 help please

    hi ive had my printer for a few days trying to get petg to work well for me i was wondering what would cause this142064395_162314865455699_93595649692092986_n.jpg

  7. #7
    It looks like layer shift to me. Did the printer get bumped while it was printing? Is anything impeding the movement such as something that the bed bumped up against? Did it happen again tin the same spot when you tried to print it again? Also, I can't tell if it's on the x axis (right/left) or the y axis (front/back) Whichever one it is is where you should be looking.

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