well it would depend on whether the se is based on the original tronxy x5sa or on the pro version.

Other than that looks a lot like my sapphire pro, just with a larger print volume and no linear rails.
'course I haven't got round to finishing that yet - so no clue how the corexy system actually runs :-)

On balance it looks like a decent machine - my only caveat would be how well the 2-in-1 out hotend works.

Personally I thinkj I'd prefer a 1 in 1 out setup.
But, yeah - looks good

Couple of things.
1) if you have any problems banggood will not take it back - so best to assume from the get-go you're buying without a warranty.
2) flashprint is one seriously good slicer. The only other I've tried that's as good is simplify3d. With that machine you're probably going to end up with cura unless you get simplify3d.
Mind you been a while since I've tried out some of the other slicers - could be they've improved :-)