well, the electronics doesn't make that much difference.
And while it can be a real PITA to sort firmware - better boards and stepper drivers are cheap and easily available.
The mechanics and engineering make more difference, so better to start with a sound mechanical base.

As you are engineering savvy - have a look at the hictop

Some nice parts including linear rails for the extruder carriage.
Also full Independant Dual Extruders.
Which means you can use 2 different materials at the same time. Useful for using soluble support material.
Takes a lot of the hassle out of prints that need supports.
take off the bed throw into sink of warm water - dissolve supports, drain :-)

Plus useful things like 2 prints at once, mirror printing.
Also a much larger build volume than the prusa.

It does have the prusa critical i3 engineering: direct drive extruders, dual bed support rails and dual z axis motors.

Reviews I've seen indicate that it's pretty good out of the box - but should you want to do upgrades. It's a really solid platform for those as well.

In the under $1000 market at the moment, I honestly don't think you can do much better.

Detail printing in fdm is largely down to the nozzle size.
switch the standard 0.4mm for a 0.2 or 0.25 and you can get almost resin like detail in your prints.
A big printer will do this just as well as a small printer.
Switch up to a 0.6 or 0.8mm nozzles and knock out big stuff really quickly (well it's all relative - 3d printing is never 'fast' :-)