the thinner pla is the more flexible it is.
I use 1mm - double width - walls quite a lot. never had any issues.

And my clear pla is not very clear as I just couldn't be bothered to print it slower lol
My test bug catcher worked at 150mm/s and 0.3mm layer, after a little filing.
So after modifying the model slightly for less filing - that's what I'm currently printing the clear pyramid at lol
Plus i really should have changed the wall thickness to 1mm rather than 2.
But somewhere I missed something on the calculations and when i change that, too many other things change and I can't be arsed to sort it out tonight :-)

As I really like making these I'm going to see about making a frame and inserting some laser cut 3mm perspex for total clarity.
Useful to see if the bug is in before you close the door, makes sure you don't trap any legs.

Can't find anything similiar on thingiverse so I'll probably publish the files.