@FLSUNNOTFUN - Thank you so much! Extremely helpful. I will give this a try tonight and report back on how it goes.

Quote Originally Posted by FLSUNNOTFUN View Post
I'm sorry to hear that you purchased one of these too. They are nothing but problems, poorly designed and even more poorly built. However;..........

I had this same problem on mine. The stepper motors on the bottom of the machine are poorly secured in place. Whats happening is the tension from the belt on the spindle is pulling up on the stepper motor making it rotate off axis relative to the belt. What you're hearing is the belt skipping notches on the spindle. Here is a picture of your problem.


All you need to do in order to fix this is take the tension off of the stepper motor by gently prying the belt off of the spindle (if you don't feel comfortable with this or think its going to break something, loosen the mechanism that holds the belts together, but be ready to use some profanity when reconnecting it). Re-position the stepper motor in place (horizontal/perpendicular/90 degrees to the belt). I believe the plate that secures the stepper motor in place was only held by one screw, add another screw so that the motor is secured now by two points (screws in this case). Put the belt back onto the spindle. While you're in there, do the same for the other two motors.

Other problems you will likely encounter:

- My latest problem https://3dprintboard.com/showthread....-Delta-Printer

- Always print with a raft, for some reason I can't get mine to print directly to the bed. Its been auto leveled and everything.

- The auto leveling feature, horrible design. Save that big square conductive sticker it came with. The wire that completes the circuit that the print head makes with the bed surface came off of the original circular bed mat. This is because of their stellar design of having to peel that nice black mat off when you need to re-auto level.

- A lot of parts on this thing are plastic (3D printed) when they should be aluminium or some high density plastic. Make this the next thing you print and print about 4 of them, 100% fill if you can (without lifting, another issue all together that I'll cover next) they will crack and break throughout the life of your printer. If you can have one made out of aluminium I strongly suggest you do so. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2970718/files

- Always print with a raft to reduce lifting/improve bed adhesion. The heated plate on this thing does not heat up uniformly and this causes lifting. You'll find a sweet spot on your bed that works best, likely closer to the front of the print bed, which is actually the top right corner of the bed in "Cura".

- The thermistor wires shorted out close to the pins located on the board, had to cut, solder new wire.

- The mechanism that connects the belts together is horrible and it is a miracle that is holds the belts together at all.

- The print volume; your print volume height on this thing is really about 70-80 percent of what is advertised. This is what happens when you try to print something tall.


Hope this helps.