It appears they have updated their TOS.
Section 5 now also states:
"You agree only individuals that pledged for the $499 and $999 Kickstarter reward tiers will receive an assembled unit."
"Our products do not come with a warranty by default, but you may purchase a warranty separately. The electronics included in our kits are delicate and we have no method of determining if customers handle them safely and properly. Improper handling can easily cause damage to the electronics. All electronics shipped are considered to arrive in working condition. Therefore, should you choose to not purchase our separate CobbleCare warranty, electronics will not be replaced if you later determine they are damaged or otherwise not working."

Section 13 also has the statement about the electronics arrived in working condition.
They made a few changes turning "Terms of Service" into "Terms and Conditions"
And they added this to section 22:
"You agree that should Cobblebot Inc. make an exception and refund any money associated with the purchase of a Cobblebot 3D printer, that there is a $300 restocking fee associated with the refund of Cobblebot 3D Printers.

Should Cobblebot Inc. make an exception and refund your post-Kickstarter upgrade purchases, you agree that receiving a refund of your post-Kickstarter upgrade purchase is also an agreement that you are forfeiting your Kickstarter pledge. Agreeing that you are forfeiting your Kickstarter pledge means you agree that you are not entitled to a refund or any other form of compensation for the donation you made to Cobblebot Inc. on Kickstarter."

So now the SEBs that wanted an assembled unit are no longer entitled to one and if they complain and want a refund it will cost around $600.

Also, if the electronics are broken, tough. You need to replace it.

Don't you just love their attitude?