Don't get hung up on name brands for sure. All printers have their pros and cons. I had an Anycubic i3 Mega S and now have a Creality CR-10s Pro V2. I love them both and would highly recommend them. Unfortunately both are smaller than what you are looking for.

My point is this, look at the pros and cons of each printer you are considering. Read lots and lots of reviews and if possible speak to someone that owns one. You will get lots of info from folks that I call Ford vs. Chevy guys. They will only recommend one brand and that's it. Everything else is crap. Take this advice with a grain of salt.

My one piece of advice for you in your search is get a printer that has auto bed leveling. It's a headache saver for sure.

Best of luck in your search. Once you get your printer your going to have a blast.