yeah, I agree, the dremel 3D40 is a bit expensive considering it does not have a heated bed, and is "only" pla, but I think you do pay a premium for the ease of use, and the fact that it is enclosed, and for a first time printer ease of use is high on the list, compared to a full assembly kit type of printer
but I did get the wanhao duplicator i3 plus first, since it whas cheaper, and got decent reviews, but, I started making my first print on it, and the right motor for the z axis died, the warranty covered it, but the company I bought it from didnt have any spare parts in stock, or another printer, and cause of corona, the expected it to take a month or more to fix/replace it, so thats when I got the dremel instead, more expencive, no heated bed, but good reviews, pretty much plug it in and ready to print, with the sort of auto leveling, so thats why I got the dremel