Hi all,

My printer is an anycubic i3 mega and I am using Hatchbox orange PLA.

When using a 0.2mm layer height with this model, I only saw one small gap per print sometimes but to try and accelerate the process. I tried a 0.3mm layer height. You can see the result with the photos.


The inside of the box is full gap between the layer only on the exterior layer and on the outside of the box it's all clean, nothing.

I tried slowing the speed from 60mm/s to 35mm/s and also tried a higher temparature, from 200 degre C to 225. In comparison, I use 50mm/s with 0.2mm layer height
Those modification did improve the quality but not enough.

In the title, I say repeatable because no matter the speed, temparature and even the orientation on the bed. The gap always seems to be on the same layer.

I suspected a problem with the model but I have no issue printing with a 0.2mm layer height. I tried to print a calibration cube to see if the same error occurs.
The result of the calibration cube is that yes it did it again but only one time and a really small one but I still think it counts.

What do you think is my problem, I would like to know what you think.