Sorry if I broke any forum rules by posting a link to the website, but... This is not spam...
A question was asked how to improve print quality. I will try to answer in more detail.

This printer has 2 problems: mechanical and software.
The first problem is hard to solve. If you are typing on a raft, you cannot see it. But if you put a heated platform (for example, IDE Heated Build Plate System for Replicator 5th Gen), you will see printing defects caused by the curvature of the body. One axis was aligned by placing washers under the linear guide.

The second problem is that only basic options are available in MakerBot Print software, while advanced options are not available. Legacy MakerBot Desktop or Simplify3d software can be used. The website link I posted above solves the issue with MakerBot Print options not available.

Detailed instructions:
1. Launch MakerBot Print software.
2. Add the stl-model and specify the required available parameters.
3. Save the project.
4. Upload the print-file of the project to the website.
5. Change advanced parameters on the website. Press the Slice button.
6. Download the makerbot file. Send it to the printer.

P.S. Or maybe you know an easier way to change all the parameters of the slicer. I will gladly listen to you.