the z axis wobble is reserved for machnes with just the one z axis motor - you know, like creality invented :-)
Or is that x-axis wobble ?

It really is not an issue with a dual motor machine.
Both ends of the gantry are securely anchored.

As far as tall thin things go - any wobble created by the bed moving - you simply slow things down at height. Most slicers let you adjust the speed at different heights.
Tall flexible filament prints can be an issue as it tends to bend under it's own weight. But you can add supports if necessary.

If you run things really fast and the frame wobbles - aluminium extrusion is great stuff to attach things to - like reinforcing struts.

But, it's the first I've heard of it - and logically it's one of the reasons josef prusa invented the i3 with dual z motors :-)

Of all the problems you are likely to have - z wobble is the one I would worry about least .