I agree with CA, the business model that S3D choose was not some that would be sustainable without major improvements that would cause people to want to spend more money. 4.01 is what I use which was purchased in 2018. I have tried out Prusaslicer and it works as well as S3d apples to apples. I did not take the time to figure out how the supports work in the prusaslicer as I am very familiar with S3d so I stick with S3d. If starting fresh to would go for the Prusaslicer to start and probably a Prusa machine. My personal opinion is the person or persons who initial developed S3d sold it to someone and left. They new owners (business people) who don't know anything about 3d printing hired developers to do a new version and update 4.01 to 4.10. These developers were not 3d printing experts and make a big mess of 4.1. No idea what is going on with the completely new V5, I would guess it is a cloud version and they can't get it to work well.. if they are even still working on it.. Good developers that know 3d printing can't be too easy to find and they need to get paid.. So yes I think this software will linger for years without any changes.