As opinions go, this topic, resin vs filament printer is rather volatile. Understating the post processing for a resin printer misleads the prospective purchaser. Understating the risk and danger of chemicals involved in the full process also misleads the prospective purchaser.

If the OP is considering a resin printer, it would be wise for the OP to view a number of YouTube videos for the specific printer. This also applies to the filament type printers under consideration.

If there's a problem with a filament printer, a few pennies worth of filament is thrown away. If there's a problem with an MSLA printer, the LCD panel gets to be replaced, or the leak results in a dangerous mess on the workspace. Faster? Not if one is printing fifty micron layers, but then again, if fifty micron layer resolution is needed, filament printers are not the answer.

Ginny may decide she needs the resolution from a resin printer, or that she can manage the post processing of a filament printer, but blanket statements with understated references won't help her make the decision that's best for her.