i don't know much about your specific printer, but if your overhauling it why not update the control board also?

skr 1.3 has a screen and is 32 bit. might be quieter also: https://www.ebay.com/itm/BIGTREETECH...kAcOlp_Rk3T4Mg

better yet, a duet maestro: https://duet3d.com/Duet2Maestro (double the cost, 10x the support and ease of programming)

for a hotend, bowden is fine (imo), a genuine e3d v6 and a better bowden feeder/ tube will work wonders. many setups like that outlive the actual printer so this should fix your jamming issues (as long as you cool the v6 correctly)

try reddit r/3dprinting for more specific advice.