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  1. #1

    Question Anet A8 Sudden print quality issue

    Hello all,

    I'm hoping someone can think of something I have overlooked. I have spent a lot of time dialing this printer in and was really happy with it until I suddenly started having problems with layers missing their outer wall. Strangely it seems to mostly to affect recessed walls. The cube picture shows a cube I printed a few weeks ago and the 2 on the right are cubes I just printed using same settings but have annoying flaws. The other picture is the print in which I started having the issue. Hopefully someone here can help cause I'm at a loss.

    Things I've tried:

    Bed/z axis leveling
    Replaced nozzle
    Used different filament (different manufacturer)
    Check extruder for debris
    Tried different spool holder (3 different types)
    Calibrated extruder steps
    Made sure motors are secure.

    Printer Info:
    Anet A8 (old acrylic frame)
    Glass bed
    GT2 rubber/fiber glass reinforced belt
    Polymer shaft bearings
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  2. #2

    Same problem

    Hi BrandonW.

    I think I have the same problem. I tried to make some litophane photo but as you can see on the pic attached, a have some missed lines on the right side of the print.
    So Hope I can get answer here for this issue.

    Have a nice day'

    Forgot to mention that I have a Anet A6
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  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    what slicer are you both using ?

  4. #4
    Hi, I use Ultimaker Cura 4.3.0

  5. #5
    I'm using CURA 4.4. I was actually able to nearly eliminate this by tightening the y axis belt beyond what I normally would do. I'm still seeing a very slight almost imperceptible shadow of the issue but I was able to reprint the Eiffel tower that I showed in the picture and I happy. Is it possible this really was a belt problem that only affected those layer on just those faces? the back of the cubes I showed look good.

  6. #6
    I have updated the belt , I mean print a tensioner for it. It work perfectly the belt is tight enough but after the belt update I have the same problem. I'll try next to check the under extrusion maybe that's the problem and come back with an answer

  7. #7
    Hi again,Finaly I think I have resolved the problem.-I have updated the Cura to 4.4.1 ( I don't think that this was the problem)-I have observed that I didn't set up a material profile. So I set up the profile regarding to the PLA I use ( Gembird and it has the mat. specification : density etc)-And last I have raised the hotend temp. It was 200 celsius, I have raised it to 210 ( I have read somewhere that the tempcontrol read less celsius than realy is)So as you can see on Pic attached now the print is smooth (I think )
    When I have time I try another litophane and come back wiht a result .
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