it IS an Ender 3.
It is EXACTLY what was stated :-)

Ender 3 us JUST a particular design of I3. LOTS of different companies make them.
Creality just happen to be the company that originated the design, it also seems to make the least reliable ones.
So while ctc are not exactly known for quality - I'd say their track record is probably slightly better than creality :-)

So you do have a Genuine ender 3, in strict chinese usage of the term 'genuine'.
It's a weird case of the chinese cloning one of their own original designs.

So if you want to really tinker here are three things you can do to turn an ender 3 into an actual prusa style I3.

1) add a second z axis motor on the right side.
2) move the extruder onto the gantry and make it a direct drive extruder.
3) add a couple side support rods for the bed - though this is probably the least important as there are so many single rail machines around they simply can't be as bad as I think they should be :-)