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  1. #1

    Please help, is this an Ender 3 Pro I just bought??

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to the 3d printing scene and I just bought a printer off eBay that was advertised as an Ender 3 Pro on Black Friday. Well I received it today and it has CTC A13 on the box, in the instructions, etc. I contacted the seller today and got no response yet so this is where I need some help.
    I can attach any pictures you guys need as well as screenshots of the eBay ad. Please tell me if I got scammed. I opened the box and only looked at a few parts but I quickly closed it after I saw the instruction manual with A13 on it.

    Please don't tell me how stupid I am for not knowing or researching this stuff first. I did my best as I am new to this. So any help will be greatly appreciated. Should I keep it or send it back? Thanks for the help. Sorry about the links I'm trying to figure out how to post images. I'm using my cell phone.
    Last edited by FlakeBoss; 12-02-2019 at 09:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    it doesn't say it's an ender 3 pro.
    it's just a bog standard 'ender 3'.
    A lot of different companies make the 'ender 3' design.
    I have no idea why, it's a terrible design.

    So what you have there is an ender 3 made by ctc - NOT creality. This might be a good thing :-)
    But it is Not an ender 3 pro.
    From what I've seen and read there's not that much difference anyway.

  3. #3
    If I were you, and could return it for a full refund, I would. Prusa is now making an affordable quality machine with good customer support (mini Being new to 3d printing there is a large learning curve and you do not need sub standard mechanical issues frustrating and hampering you progress.. There are other threads that debate the goodness and lack there of when buying a very inexpensive machine and I am one of the older people who know buying quality tools no matter what they do, is always better than low quality. Even if that means waiting another year to save the funds.
    Good luck with what you do!

  4. #4
    If you are a very patient person, Who likes tinkering and one of your projects is to keep maintaining and fixing your printer then it's a perfect choice for you

  5. #5
    Thanks for the replies so far. I might try to return it if not I will just keep it. I don't mind learning or even maintaining it. I got it for a good price I just wish it would have been what was stated, an Ender 3. I will look at the rest of the parts in the box today. I still didn't get a reply from the guy yet. I am an autobody/paint tech by trade but I was a stay at home dad for the last 6 years and my son just started school so money is tight right now so I might be stuck learning how to use this one. I will post more pics of the other parts for you guys today. Thanks for the help so far guys.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    it IS an Ender 3.
    It is EXACTLY what was stated :-)

    Ender 3 us JUST a particular design of I3. LOTS of different companies make them.
    Creality just happen to be the company that originated the design, it also seems to make the least reliable ones.
    So while ctc are not exactly known for quality - I'd say their track record is probably slightly better than creality :-)

    So you do have a Genuine ender 3, in strict chinese usage of the term 'genuine'.
    It's a weird case of the chinese cloning one of their own original designs.

    So if you want to really tinker here are three things you can do to turn an ender 3 into an actual prusa style I3.

    1) add a second z axis motor on the right side.
    2) move the extruder onto the gantry and make it a direct drive extruder.
    3) add a couple side support rods for the bed - though this is probably the least important as there are so many single rail machines around they simply can't be as bad as I think they should be :-)

  7. #7
    Thanks for the reply. I have decided to keep it. I don't mind tinkering. After all I am a custom auto body/paint tech. I love to fabricate things which is why I bought it in the first place. The seller has been in contact with me also. I will post another pic as soon as I build it. Also thanks for the tips on how to upgrade it. I really appreciate it.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Good luck :-)
    There is no reason it shouldn't be a decent printer.
    I've got one of the ctc plywood i3's - cheapest machine on ebay when i bought it.
    BUT - It DOES have: direct drive extruder, dual z motors and side support rods on the bed.
    I've added a few minor mods and it's a cracking little machine.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    it doesn't say it's an ender 3 pro.
    it's just a bog standard 'ender 3'.
    A lot of different companies make the 'ender 3' design.
    I have no idea why, it's a terrible design.

    So what you have there is an ender 3 made by ctc - NOT creality. This might be a good thing :-)
    But it is Not an ender 3 pro.
    From what I've seen and read there's not that much difference anyway.
    What are you talking about? Once I got my bed leveling down, I've had no problems of any sort. Print failures have been rare and the general print quality has been reliable. The BLTouch is really helpful, but not necessary.

    In fact, the only real problems I've had with mine were because I was stupid enough to be a SKR replacement board because people were saying it was better. The stock board is largely fine, albeit it somewhat noisy.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Then you are lucky.
    Be happy :-)

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